There is not a person around that actually wants to have yellow, stained teeth. Though is there a way to whiten teeth that will not harm them or the gums? There may be a lot of advice out there, but some of it is not very sound. The tips in this article will show you how to get whiter teeth in the safest manner possible.
This is less damaging to your teeth than a whitening strip system. Swish the mixture around your mouth while you shower, but don't swallow any of it! This process should be done either one or two times a week.
Do not use teeth bleaching or whitening kits if you are pregnant. Swallowing even a trace amount of the chemicals and ingredients in these kits is enough to potentially cause harm to the fetus. Instead make sure that you wait until after your baby is born to try a whitening of the teeth program.
Chewing gum can actually whiten teeth. It's true! Gum acts as a mild abrasive and also promotes saliva production, both of which help to clean teeth. But it is important to use a gum that does not contain sugar. Malitol is a sugar alcohol found in many gums, and it almost tastes just like sugar, and it will not rot your teeth.
Drink plenty of water for a clean and white smile. Make sure to rinse your mouth with water after each meal to prevent permanent staining on your teeth. Water helps rinse out the extras without chemically harming your teeth. Add this simple tip to your everyday lifestyle and you are sure to be on your way to cleaner teeth.
A great way to whiten your teeth is to use tooth whitening strips. Usually you will use these once or twice a day to both the top and the bottom. Leave it on for the appointed time then take it off. In a few weeks you should be a few shades whiter.
Heavy smoking can in fact damage and stain your teeth. It helps to cut down on the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day or eliminate them out of your life completely. People who smoke have a harder time keeping their teeth clean than those who don't.
Ask your dentist about the different whitening of the teeth options available to you. Some dentists may recommend a procedure that they provide in their office. Some may refer you to a certain product that you can find at your local pharmacy. Some may simply suggest that you brush your teeth more often.
One way to get the smile that you have dreamed of is to use a whitening of the teeth tray and gel. These processes have been shown to give you a whiter smile. However, these processes take a while to work. If you have time, make sure you check out this whitening teeth option.
Try drinking through a straw to help your teeth remain white and bright. The straw minimizes the amount of time liquids have contact with your teeth. The straw directs the liquid toward the back of your mouth, causing it to interact with your teeth only minimally.
An important, though very unpopular, tip to whiten your teeth is find more to cut down on, or even stop, the drinking of sodas, coffees and teas. Yes, they are some of the most popular beverages in the world, but they are also some of the biggest culprits when it comes to stains on teeth! And for those that are wondering, iced tea is still tea and just as guilty when it comes to teeth discoloration.
See if your dentist can provide you with a tooth whitening gel that could be used at home. Using this method, your dentist can make a mouth piece which you fill with gel and wear a little for two to three hours each day for a few weeks. This teeth whitening strategy can help your teeth get eight shades whiter.
Change your diet for whiter teeth. Avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar. Replace them with lots of raw fruits and vegetables that help clean your teeth while you eat them and promote healthy salivation during chewing. Not only will this help whiten you teeth, it will also keep them strong and healthy.
Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to make a rinse to whiten your teeth. Not only does hydrogen peroxide kill germs, it also acts as a whitening agent. Many companies make a "whitening" mouthwash with water, hydrogen peroxide and mint flavor. Save money by making your own rinse.
If your mouth starts hurting, do not keep on whitening your teeth. When using teeth whitening products, it can increase tooth sensitivity. If this happens, stop using the whitener immediately, and talk to your dentist about a different product that would be suitable for sensitive teeth.
One important whitening teeth tip is to try to consume as many raw foods as possible when you are snacking or for your meal time. The reason for this is that these types of foods will act as natural ways to scrub your teeth and keep them looking as white as possible.
Along with being high in sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, wine and soda can stain your teeth. That makes these beverages a double hazard for your teeth. Avoid these beverages or rinse your mouth out with water after drinking soda or wine, better yet, brush your teeth if possible.
Talk with your dentist before beginning any teeth whitening program. If you currently have any sort of dental disease or issue, your dentist may recommend a specific method of teeth whitening. Most natural remedies do not have side effects, but if you are prone to gum problems or teeth sensitivity, some remedies may not be appropriate.
If you find that your whitening teeth is starting to wear off, don't go making an appointment to have them redone right away! Often all you'll need to do is have them touched up roughly once a year. You don't need to go through the full procedure again, and in fact going through whitening of the teeth over again can be hazardous to your teeth.
Avoid letting whitening teeth products from having contact with your gums. You should also pay attention to any unusual tooth or gum sensitivities, while using any type of whitening of the teeth products. Make sure the tray or strips fit correctly. If you notice pain or irritation, stop using the product immediately and consult your dentist.
As was mentioned before in the article, whitening your teeth can do wonders for your self confidence. Without an embarrassing smile, you'll be able to laugh more and socially enjoy life. Apply these simple and easy tips to get rid of your old, nasty teeth, and replace them with a gorgeous smile.