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These days more and more people want to have white teeth; and why not? With high definition cameras and the popularity of social networking, you are exposed more than ever. This article will provide some sensible information about whitening teeth. There is a lot that you can do to make a difference.

You can put different whitening strips on for 30 minutes, if your gums hurt too much when you use the two-hour strips. Although you will have to put these strips on over a longer period of time, it will help you with your discomfort.

Save your orange peel and have a whitening teeth session. The inside of the orange peel has citric acid and can help to remove stains and whiten teeth. Either rub it directly on your teeth or get some dried peel, organically grown and some ground up bay leaves to create a paste that you can brush on. Remember to brush after your session to remove any acid that may harm the enamel over time.

Be careful using "home remedies" to whiten your teeth. Common home remedies like lemons, ash, or baking soda can actually do more damage than good. You should ask your dentist for "home remedy" suggestions if you cannot afford a professional procedure.

Use a straw when drinking highly acidic beverages, such as sodas or citrus juices. Using a straw will help divert the acid away from your teeth, into your mouth, which can keep it from causing damage to your teeth. Gray teeth are often caused by thinning tooth enamel, so protecting your tooth enamel will keep your teeth whiter.

Use a straw when drinking highly acidic beverages, such as sodas or citrus juices. Using a straw will help divert the acid away from your teeth, into your mouth, which can keep it from causing damage to your teeth. Gray teeth are often caused by thinning tooth enamel, so protecting your tooth enamel will keep your teeth whiter.

One way to get the smile that you have dreamed of is to use a whitening teeth tray and gel. These processes have been shown to give you a whiter smile. However, these processes take a while to work. If you have time, make sure you check out this whitening of the teeth option.

If you have sensitive teeth, but still want to do some whitening, there are many toothpastes available for sensitive teeth that offer some whitening abilities as well. If you aren't getting the results you want, try using a toothpaste made just for sensitive teeth for a couple of weeks before using any whitening products to desensitize your teeth so you can then use the bleaching product with ease.

If you are looking to get whiter teeth, you should not smoke. The nicotine content in cigarettes causes your teeth to stain a dark color. If you really want to get a bright white smile, then you need to make sure that you quit smoking for good, so that your teeth do not redevelop a stain.

To make your teeth look whiter via makeup, wear red lipstick! Deep reds and other blue based colors create a visual illusion of whiter teeth. By the same token, you should avoid any warmer colors like yellows or browns. The colors will create an effect that highlights the yellowest parts of your teeth.

If you want to get whiter teeth the best thing that you can do is to ask your dentist about whitening products. Some products work better than others and some can even harm your teeth. These things all depend on how they react with your teeth. In order to know the best product for you it is good to consult your dentist.

After having your teeth whitened, abstain from any colored beverages for three or four days. Your teeth absorb many colors any this time, and this includes things like dark fruits and coffee.

Avoid wearing shirts that are bright white if you want to hide a less than perfect smile. The white shade will only make any stains on your teeth even more obvious. Choose off white or cream colors that will help avoid your stains looking worse. Smile big in the morning after you've gotten dressed to see if your outfit is hurting you.

If you have or are planning on getting Invisalign to enhance your smile, I recommend that you wait until after your treatment to start whitening your teeth. If you do this, you can save hundreds of dollars on the whitening process by using your Invisalign aligners as trays for your whitening gel.


It is possible for particles of food, especially those that are dark, to stain your teeth. You can chew some sugar-free gum as a way to prevent getting stains on your teeth.

Try chewing on a few sprigs of parsley or cilantro to give your teeth some extra whitening. These herbs have some germicidal properties, so they fight stain-causing bacteria as you chew them. However, this technique should not replace your daily brushing habits, including the use of toothpaste, which are still required for proper oral hygiene and tooth care.

A crucial step in preventing teeth discoloration is to not bite your nails. Biting your fingernails causes damage to the enamel of your teeth making them more vulnerable to discoloration.

Prevention of staining is one way to keep your teeth whiter. Some of the things you drink can cause discoloration of your teeth. Coffee, tea, wine and soda are all notorious for causing stains on teeth. If you will sip them or drink them through a straw this will help them to not make as much contact with your teeth. Also, when you are done with your drink, rinse your mouth with water.


If you want to keep your teeth white, you must be consistent. You can get and keep whiter teeth by eating healthy foods, diligently using whitening products and scheduling regular dental cleanings.

You do not want to have to endure any sort of harsh whitening procedures that can cost a lot of money or hurt you. You want good looking teeth, but do not want to risk anything. Use the advice given in this article, and you should find what you are looking for.